Have you ever written an email or letter, looked at it, and then completely erased the whole thing? Well, that's what I just did. It's hard for me to put into words what my life has been and what it will be very soon. Shortly after coming to Maui, I felt like I was not going to be in the Hospitality department for very long. I had a "feeling" about the upcoming Summer DTS (Discipleship Training School). My "feeling" was soon confirmed when the Summer School Leader, Tik (she's an amazing Godly woman from Thailand), asked me to pray about staffing the summer school. I didn't have to pray long. I'm excited to say that this summer my co-leader, Sam Stephens, and I will be training and leading a team of students (ages anywhere from 18-28) through 3 months of intense lecture followed my 3 months of outreach to southeast Asia. Wow!! Lord, help me! =) God has given me such peace about this. Looking back over the last few months, I can see God's evident hand preparing me for the adventure/challenge that I am about to take. I feel so honored to be entrusted with such a great task. Staff training starts next week (May 4) and our school begins June 6. Please pray for strength, wisdom, peace, and faith for the leadership team and I. We have much to do. Also, please pray about supporting financially as well. I am still required to pay my staff fees (approx. $300/month) plus my plane ticket to Asia (approx. $1500). Right now, I have $50 support a month. I'm so thankful to be serving a God who provides where He guides. He is Jehovah-Jirah, our Provider. I hope you are doing well and seeing God's beauty in the little things. God bless! Aloha